How To Make Your Booking.

So, you are ready to book? Great. To make it as simple as possible, you now have 2 options.

  1. Book your trip, boat hire, logistics or whatever it is ONLINE. Simply click the link of the trip you want to book below and follow the onscreen instructions on our secure website.
  2. Call us on our UK or Zambian telephone numbers and make your booking over the phone.

Kayaking Vacations

The ultimate paddling holiday, whatever your time frame. If you want to explore what the Zambezi really has to offer, then this is the perfect trip. Sample all the best rapids on all sections of the river including a multiday.

Inflatable Kayaking

This is the most fun activity on the Zambezi. Half kayak school, half adrenaline rush, take one of our specially designed inflatables down the Zambezi River. See what all the hype is about for yourself. Trips daily.

Tandem Kayaking

If you are a fan of whitewater, this could be your thing! You will be accompanied by a world class instructor as you paddle in the front of the boat through some of the best white water in the world.

Kayak Schools & Clinics

The Zambezi River offers the perfect chance to learn to kayak. Our courses can take people with absolutely no experience, to those who want to work on their river running or playboating. There is a perfect course for every ability.

River Surfing

The Zambezi has the ultimate tubing wave that appears normally in July as the river drops and again in January as the river rises again. provides all the logistics you will need to surf the ultimate river wave.

Kayaking Logistics

If you are an experienced paddler and would like to book us for your paddling logistics whilst you are on the Zambezi, then we can take care of everything from just $30 per day including transport to and from the river, porters, lunch and a cold beer.