Where to stay in Livingstone
There is a vast array of accommodation in Livingstone. There are two places we recommend and book for most of our paddlers. Jollyboys and Fawlty Towers are the two best value backpackers in town. The dorm rooms offer excellent value for a place to sleep for the night, they offer reasonably priced meals and have great bars that serve cold beer. Other options exist for paddler who want a treat on their trip to Africa. Having made Zambia our home for the past 20 years, we are well versed in all your options for your stay.
If you have decided to fly into Lusaka, which is the cheaper option for your flight, you will normally have to spend a night in Lusaka before you catch the bus down to Livingstone. If this is your chosen route to visit the Zambezi, we highly recommend staying at Chachacha Backpackers