Thinking about heading to the Zambezi this season? Good choice. Not only do you get to paddle one of the greatest rivers in the world, but if you time it right you’ll get to take part in the Zambezi Festival 2011! From the 22-29th
October this year Livingstone will be overrun with kayakers in town for great competitions, brilliant races and some fine, fine parties. We’re holding downriver races, head to head, slalom, a rodeo, raft races, and a Grand Final with some surprises along the way. They’ll be prizes for everyone, so even if you’re not scoring top points on the rodeo, it’s always worth flashing the judges a smile and a wink (nothing more!) during your ride and you might end up with a share of the bounty. We’ve got a brand new kayak from Fluid, subscriptions to Kayak Session magazine, nights in swanky hotels in Livingstone, activities in the area, some great spot and novelty prizes for those random acts that make us laugh and much, much more. Tickets cost $195, which includes your event entry, accommodation for the week, shuttles, park fees and a T-shirt, almost everything except your bar tab! Getting there is easy too, flights to Lusaka are going for less than £500 from the UK at the moment, and a new route from Cape Town is now opened up with Zambezi Airlines which gives you many more options, winner! Check out the website page for more information on how things are running, add yourself onto our Facebook event, and invite all your friends! Accommodation is limited so make sure you book up early to make sure you get a place, and we’ll see you out there for what’s shaping up to
be a whole lot of fun.
If you are after “Executive Kayak Transport” then look no further than our African Limo featured in this picture! Set up with all the essentials
, cold beer, kayak trailer and 6 doors, travel to all the best paddling spots on the Zambezi in STYLE! Paddling fees have gone up with the Zambian Parks Service putting up fees by $10. Our rates for pick up and drop off from your hotel or backpackers, porters to carry your kayaks into and out of the gorge, lunch and a cold beer at the end of the day are just $40. PLEASE NOTE IF YOU BOOK LOCALLY, THE COST WILL BE $50, so well worth planning your trip in advance!
If you want someone to organise your entire paddling holiday, then let theZambezi.com arrange all your paddling needs. From people wanting to experience a Zambezi 4 day trip, to those wanting to paddle The White Nile and Zambezi, we have something to offer everyone. Our guides will meet you at the airport and accompany you on your entire trip, taking care of all the smallest details as well. If you want somebody to teach you more about Playboating? Or River Running in big water, Anika or Andrew will make sure you leave the Zambezi River, loving the place! Dates are now on our website ready for you to get excited about and book onto for this years paddling holiday!
People are always asking us about the best time to head out to the Zambezi? For those wanting Big Water paddling conditions, head out and see us in August or December. Pretty much everything in between, is an awesome time to paddle the Zam. In high water some rapids are bigger, but in general the best paddling/surfing is on offer in low water and the weather is awesome too. Expect hot and sunny conditions. Although we recommend taking anti malarials at all times in Zambia, the risk is very low and far lower than that in on the Nile in Uganda. If you are keen to avoid the rush this year when the Festival is on, come down either side of it!
f you are looking to hook up with some other paddlers out on the Zambezi, then get onto our FORUM where you can see who is heading out to the Zambezi and when? If you are looking to head out on a multiday as well, it is a great way to get people together on the same trip for more fun. It is super simple to just sign up and also post any advice to people heading out there, like flight deals, places to stay in Lusaka or why not just tell us about your Zambezi paddling experiences, without of course exaggerating too much! If of course you try and sell Viagra on there, you will be banned!