Archive for the ‘Livingstone’ Category
Friday, May 25th, 2012
The Zambezi has a reputation for having difficult paddling logistics, but it need not be so! From August – December Kayak The Zambezi offers daily shuttles to Number 1 (Boiling Pot) at 8am from Livingstone or 9am to Rapid 10. Our guide team will show you the river on your first day and on subsequent paddling days we’ll take care of park fees, porters, lunch transport to and from the river allowing you the most time to spend doing what you love – kayaking the Zambezi.

Ripping It Up at 12B
For those who also don’t want to travel with a boat, we have plenty of current play boats and river runners for you to choose from, paddles, buoyancy aids, helmets and everything you need for your paddling holiday. User friendly airlines for boats are Virgin to Joburgh and then 1 time are excellent to Livingstone. Alternatively there are many excellent flight options to Lusaka and then you can catch a bus to Livingstone from there with Mazhandu Family Buses.

Sara running 5, Stairway to Heaven
Make 2012 your year to paddle the Mighty Zambezi. See you here!
Tags: 12B, freestyle kayaking, Kayak logistics, Kayak The Zambezi, kayak trips, Kayaking, kayaking holiday, kayaking holidays, kayaking vacations, Livingstone, Livingstone Adventure Activities, Livingstone Kayak Hire,, Victoria Falls, White water kayaking, zambezi, Zambezi Kayak Hire, Zambezi Kayak Rental, Zambezi River Kayaking, Zambia kayaking
Posted in Kayaking, Kayaking The Zambezi, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information | No Comments »
Thursday, February 17th, 2011
A lot of people talk about the Zambezi as if it’s a dream location that they’d love to visit but just never quite make it out there. This has been puzzling us here at, it’s easy to get here, the water is reliable, the weather is awesome, the beer is cheap, and there’s so much fun to be had! So make this year your year to get out on the Zam and see what all the fuss is about. Cheap flights to Lusaka are easy to find through airlines such as Kenyan airways (who are great with taking boats on), Ethiopian air, British airways and Air france. It’s then easy to get a bus link with Mazhandu Family Buses straight through to the centre of Livingstone, only a stones throw away from JollyBoys backpackers. An alternate route to get there is via South Africa, connecting flights to Livingstone from Johannesburg are easiest to get with a South African airline, 1time, dodgy name, but great service! There’s plenty of nice spots to stay once you’re there, our favourite places are Jollyboys backpackers and Fawlty Towers which are both right in town at the epicenter of all the apres-boating action! We’re the only company who run kayaking trips from Livingstone, and our great guides are available to get on the water with you for your first day or two to show you the best lines, features and moves to make so that you can make the most out of your stay. It is possible to do the Zambezi on your own, catching taxi’s to and from the river, but if you want to sort out your trip out so that it runs smoothly from day one we can sort out shuttles, park fees, porters, lunch as well as that all important cold beer at the end of the day. We’re also able to help out with gear hire, accommodation, other activities, or just some advice whilst you’re planning your trip. So now there’s really no excuse to get out onto the Zambezi, this is the time for action!

Scream if you love the Zambezi!!
Tags: freestyle kayaking, holidays, johannesburg, kayak vacation, Kayaking, kayaking holiday, kayaking shuttles, Livingstone, Livingstone accommodation, Livingstone Adventure Activities, Livingstone Kayak Hire, logistics, Lusaka, river running, shuttles, Water Levels, white water, White water kayaking, zambezi, Zambezi Kayak Hire, Zambezi Kayaking, zambezi river, Zambezi River Kayaking, Zambia, Zambia accommodation, zambia flights
Posted in Kayaking, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information | No Comments »
Monday, September 27th, 2010 is the only company on the Zambezi permitted to take kayakers on the Zambezi River. We want to make it as user friendly as we can for people to come and paddle what is one of the best whitewater runs in the world. Recently the Zambian Parks put up the entry fee on gaining access to the river from $3 to $10 (excluding access to Victoria Falls) This is included with all our shuttles to and from the river, as well as lunch, porters and a cold beer at the end of the day. No matter whether it is your first time on the river, or you are a seasoned pro on the Zambezi, our team on and off the water will give you an amazing experience, on this, our home river.

Paddling The Pourover in 5
We recommend getting flights in and out of Lusaka as they are loads cheaper than flying into Livingstone. A great place to stay in Lusaka is Lusaka Backpackers and then get the bus over to Livingstone with Mazhandu Family Buses, October is a PRIMO month to paddle. Its HOT and the water level is dropping. Come on out and play on the river and party in town until your heart is content. If anyone needs boats to hire, we have quite the fleet to choose from and can also arrange multi-day trips if you have the time. We can also sort any accommodation for you in either Jollyboys or Fawlty Towers and book any activities you wish to do. See you for some fun on the river!
Tags: kayak school, kayak trips, Kayaking, kayaking holidays, kayaking vacations, Livingstone, Livingstone accommodation, Livingstone Adventure Activities, Paddling holidays, Water Levels, zambezi, Zambezi inflatable kayaking, Zambezi kayak, Zambezi Kayak Hire, zambezi kayak logistics, zambezi kayak school, zambezi kayak vacation, Zambezi Kayaking, zambezi river, Zambia
Posted in Kayaking, Kayaking The Zambezi, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information, Zambia | No Comments »
Monday, August 16th, 2010
If anyone had to imagine the 2 best rivers for a paddling vacation, the Zambezi River and the White Nile would have to be up there. and Kayak The Nile have teamed up to offer what can only be described as the Ultimate Paddling Vacation. Due to the nature of the trip and the logistics in each destination the trip can be offered to all kayaking abilities from beginner to expert. Being our home rivers, we can offer you the best sections for YOUR ability and tailor make the trip for you. The trip is 14 days and will include all your accommodation, lunches (on paddling days) and boats. All you need to do is get to Uganda and Zambia… and home again.

Running Rapid 5 on The Zambezi
Convenient flight connections are available with Kenya Airways stopping in Nairobi (you can get a cheap return flight to Uganda from there) and Lusaka. Most paddlers take the bus from Lusaka to Livingstone and we’ll meet you there. Trips start in Entebbe every Saturday where the Kayak The Nile team pick you up. They’ll drop you back at the airport after a week on the Nile. Once on the Zambezi, you’ll get a welcome “Booze Cruise” and dinner on your day of arrival into Livingstone.

Jarrod having fun on the Nile River
Come and kayak the Zambezi River in Zambia and the White Nile in Uganda, The Ultimate Paddling Vacation.
Tags: kayak school, kayak trips, Kayaking, kayaking holiday, Livingstone, Nile River, Paddling vacation, Uganda, zambezi river, Zambezi River Kayaking, Zambia
Posted in Kayaking The Zambezi, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information, Zambia | No Comments »
Thursday, June 24th, 2010
Lets face it jumping on a plane these days with a boat is just a bit for trouble than it is worth. If you are planning a paddling holiday on the Zambezi this year from 1 day to one month, we have a great range of boats for you to hire and paddle on your trip. Most paddlers bring their own PFD, paddle, spraydeck and helmet, but you can arrange this also though us with our “Works Package“.

Hire your Fluid kayak for your Zambezi trip
We have a range of Fluid Kayaks such as the Flirt, Spice and Nemesis in varying sizes to suit all shapes and sizes of paddler. So with prices starting at under $20 a day for week long hires, why give yourself the extra stress! Make this the year for your ultimate stress free and fun paddling holiday.
Tags: Fluid Flirt, Fluid kayaks, Fluid Nemesis, Fluid Spice, Livingstone Kayak Hire, Victoria Falls, Zambezi kayak, Zambezi Kayak Hire, Zambezi Kayaking, Zambezi River Kayaking
Posted in Kayaking, Kayaking The Zambezi, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010
So how can you possibly learn to kayak on what is described as one of the most challenging rivers in the world? Simple. The Zambezi is warm water, the season is long and there are plenty of long flat sections and easy Grade 2-3 to get your skills working before moving onto the harder stuff. Many people have learned to kayak on the Zambezi and in fact many of the guys who shoot video and photos on the river, have been taught and learned to paddle only on the Zambezi.

Practising paddling above Rapid 6
A Zambezi Kayak School, can be anything from a half day taster through to 5-6 days where we get to paddle most of the big rapids on the Zambezi. We teach you from the basics of the eskimo roll in a local swimming pool to running waves and on longer courses, playing and having fun on the river which, in the end is what it’s all about. Our world class team of international instructors will outfit you with kayaks (obviously) buoyancy aids, paddles, spraydecks (to keep the water from going inside the kayak) and helmets. Due to the “Pool Drop” nature of the Zambezi, if you do end up taking a swim, its easy to pick you up and get back in.

Having a play in a rapid below Rapid 18
When it is 24 degree celsius water, 30-40 outside temperature, getting on the Zambezi River for a days kayaking and keeping cool, is one of the best places to be. Groups are small, so it is easy and condusive to learning this fantastic sport. The ideal season for kayaking the Zambezi is August – December. Additionally, you’ll get to stay in Livingstone, Africa’s Adventure Capital. Gorge Swing, Bungy, Jetboat, you can do it all!
Tags: eskimo roll, holidays, kayak instructors, kayak school, kayak trips, Kayaking, kayaking holidays, kayaking season, kayaking vacations, Livingstone, Livingstone Adventure Activities, zambezi, Zambezi Kayaking, zambezi river
Posted in Kayak School, Kayaking, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information | No Comments »
Monday, March 29th, 2010
The Zambezi has had record water levels again this year and the river has been closed to all rafting and kayaking. Traditionally this is the time for highest flows on the river and from now on, levels start to drop slowly until they get to the best levels for kayaking start around late July early August. So this is the time to start planning your mission out to the Zambezi. Most paddlers join from July until December, with August until October being the best levels for river running and play boating. For most people the highlight, would be to Paddle “12B” when it is at its best. Plan on getting here for mid – late September and play until your heart is content.

Ripping it up in 12B
We have a comprehensive rundown on rapids on our website, but there is no substitute for experience. Our guides have been paddling the river at every level for years, so come and join them on your first day paddling and get them to share the lines they know best. Our paddling trips are set up for paddlers. You get to choose what section to paddle on the river, we will get you there, pick you up at a pre-determined time and give you lunch and a cold beer at the end of the day. We can arrange paddling trips from one day to one month and no problems to cater for groups of friends. The Zambezi is the perfect mates trip.

Awesome weather and even better SURF waves!
For everything about kayaking the Zambezi, we are your one stop shop. Make 2010 a year to remember with a Zambezi kayaking adventure.
Tags: 12B, freestyle kayaking, kayak instructors, Kayak logistics, Kayak rental, Livingstone, multi-day kayaking, river running,, Water Levels, Zambezi Kayaking, zambezi river, Zambezi River Festival, Zambia kayaking
Posted in Kayaking, Kayaking The Zambezi, Livingstone, Zambezi River Information | No Comments »